Logo HR Potentials

Free for educational, research, and non-profit use

At HR Potentials, we believe in giving back.


Students & Educators

We are committed to supporting students in their academic and professional journeys. To that end, we offer our assessment platform free of charge to students and faculty members.

Should be requested by educators and be used for educational purposes only.



Our assessment tools not only stand on the foundation of scientific exploration but also aim to propel it. By providing our tools free of charge, we hope to simplify the research process and facilitate groundbreaking discoveries in the field of psychology.

Documentation of active research work or institutional affiliation may be needed.



We recognize the invaluable work that non-profits undertake every day. To bolster their missions, we offer our state-of-the-art hiring tool, ensuring they bring on board the best talent to make a greater impact.

A valid certification or documentation confirming non-profit status will be essential.

Join us in building a more knowledgeable, equitable, and compassionate future.

Please note: These provisions are subject to review to ensure genuine and appropriate usage. Our intention is to maintain fairness and integrity in offering these resources. We reserve the right to request additional documentation or deny access if necessary.